Why photographers suck at getting clients

It’s not about how talented you are or how much you love your craft. If you’re not booking clients, there’s a reason for it. It’s not your talent that’s holding you back; it’s the way you’re running your business. Here’s where most photographers go wrong, and more importantly, how you can fix it.

Let’s cut to the chase here—most photographers suck at getting clients. I know, that’s harsh, but if it stings a little it’s because it’s true.

It’s not about how talented you are or how much you love your craft. If you’re not booking clients, there’s a reason for it. 
It’s not your talent that’s holding you back; it’s the way you’re running your business.

Here’s where most photographers go wrong, and more importantly, how you can fix it:

Mistake #1: Waiting for Clients to Come to You

"I’ve got a killer portfolio; clients will find me when they’re ready."

👁️ Truth:
You’re invisible. The internet is flooded with photographers, clients won’t magically show up. If you're not actively reaching out, someone else is. Clients don’t just come—they choose from those who show up first.

Get proactive! Don’t just rely on being found—you have to hustle. Reach out to potential clients every day. Make the first move—waiting around is the fastest way to be forgotten.

Mistake #2: Underpricing Services

"If I charge less, more people will hire me. I’ll get steady work if I’m affordable."

👁️ Truth:
Cheap pricing kills your business. When you underprice, clients assume your work isn’t valuable. Worse, you attract nightmare clients who expect the world for pennies. Cheap clients don’t respect your time—or your talent.

Price for value, not fear. Know your worth, research what others are charging, and stand by your rates. When you believe in your pricing, you attract clients who value your work—and pay for it. Stop chasing price-hunters and start attracting clients who want quality.

Mistake #3: Lack of Consistent Marketing Efforts

"I’m too busy with my projects right now; I’ll market when I have time."

👁️ Truth:
If you’re not marketing every single week, you’re setting yourself up for a dry season. Marketing isn’t optional—it’s the lifeblood of your business. If you disappear when you’re busy, clients will forget you. Out of sight, out of mind.

Make marketing non-negotiable, no matter how busy you are. Small, consistent efforts add up very quickly—post updates, email past clients, show your behind-the-scenes process.

Mistake #4: Not Differentiating Yourself

"My work speaks for itself. Clients will know that I’m talented."

👁️ Truth:
Talent alone won’t get you booked. The market is flooded with good photographers. If you can’t communicate what makes you unique, you’re just another option in a sea of talented professionals. Clients are overwhelmed with options—they need to know why you and not someone else.

Define what makes you different and scream it from the rooftops. Whether it’s your unique style, your killer client experience, or your expertise in a niche—lean into it hard. Clients need to hear exactly why they need you. Own your brand and stand out.

Mistake #5: Not Networking with Vendors

"I don’t need to spend time networking with other vendors—I just need clients. What do vendors have to do with me?"

👁️ Truth:
Vendors are the gatekeepers to high-quality clients. Wedding planners, studio owners, and event coordinators are sitting on a goldmine of potential work you wouldn’t have found on your own. When vendors recommend you, clients listen.

Build relationships with vendors. Collaborate and cross-promote each other’s services. When vendors trust you, they become a steady source of high-quality referrals, and those referrals are typically higher-paying and easier to book. Turn networking into a revenue stream.

Look, if you want to stop losing clients and start booking gigs like crazy, you need to change your approach.

If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep getting the same results. But the world is changing, and freelancers like you have a huge opportunity to adapt and thrive.

That’s what we’re building with Beazy—an AI-powered tool to help you find gigs faster, automate pitches, and focus on what you love.

We’re still shaping the platform, but I want to invite you to be part of the Early-Bird Program. It’s a chance to give your input, help shape the tool to fit your needs, and get lifetime access to everything we’re building!

I’d love to have you on board as one of the first users. Let’s figure this out together and build something great.


Jonas Ngoenha
Co-founder & CEO
The Creator Lens & Beazy


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