🎥 Vidu: Sora's Chinese Rival

DJI's USA ban drama🔒; Sora vs Vidu🎥; Insta's creator moolah📸.

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Banned Sky-High: Are DJI Drones Uncle Sam’s New Enemy? Fly into this article now!

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In today's rundown

For your artistic side.

China's AI scene is heating up with the debut of Vidu, a video model that's giving Sora a run for its money. With its “Universal Vision Transformer” architecture, it can churn out 16 seconds of 1080p footage in a flash.

Unlike Sora, which needs a small GPU army to create a minute-long video, Vidu can do it in a fraction of the time and at a fraction of the cost, according to AI expert Li Yangwei.

Sure, it's not as powerful as Sora yet, but with China's tech race in full sprint, Vidu could bridge the gap sooner than later. It's a story worth watching, and the cameras are rolling.

The commercial aspects of creativity.

Lawmakers might ban DJI drones in the US, following similar actions against TikTok. Under the bill, which is called the Countering CCP Drones Act, the Federal Communications Commission would be able to block the use of drones built by companies flagged as national security risks.

The proposed bill would bar the use of DJI drones by federal agencies and could start a trend of state-wide bans. The government has already restricted DJI’s access to US tech and put it on blacklists due to concerns about data security and human rights abuses in relation to its drones.

Meanwhile, DJI denies any wrongdoing and calls the measures “unwarranted and unjust”. However, it seems that lawmakers are stepping up those efforts after a year of relatively little action.

Navigating the digital creative world.

Social media platforms are raining cash on creators, and it's not just the big names raking it in. Micro-influencers with niche markets are often a better bet for brands.

But which platforms are the real money-makers? Instagram's ad revenue hit over $61B last year, and influencer Reels are playing to 200B daily views.

Meanwhile, on X, where Barack Obama has an engagement value of $192K, creators earn from $200 to a few thousand a month.

On Facebook, creators with 1M followers can earn $5K–$20K/post.

YouTube partners make 45% from ad clicks and impressions, they earn up to $8 per 1,000 views.

But TikTok is the true rainmaker, offering creators $30 per 1,000 views plus direct tips. At 20K views/day, that’s $13K–$22K/year.

Easy money? Maybe not. But creators on these platforms are proving you don't need a regular 9-5 to make bank. With a 2024 projected ad revenue of $23.6B, don’t expect the creator economy to slow down.


Ingmar Swalue

Equipment Rental:
Nikon D850 body

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