TikTok's 'Underconsumption Core': A Viral Shift

The rise of underconsumption core highlights a significant cultural shift away from rampant consumerism towards a more sustainable and thoughtful approach to shopping.

The Guardian

The Story: A new trend called "underconsumption core" is gaining traction, particularly among younger consumers who are embracing a minimalist lifestyle by proudly using old, well-loved items instead of buying trendy new products. This movement is seen as a pushback against the consumerism promoted by fast fashion and disposable goods, emphasizing quality and longevity over quantity.

The Details:

  • Over social media, users showcase their scuffed shoes and worn makeup, celebrating the use of items until they are fully depleted rather than discarding them prematurely.

  • This trend is particularly popular with Gen Z and millennials who grew up in an era dominated by fast fashion and cheap, disposable products.

  • Influencers like Sabrina Pare and April Silva promote a mindful approach to consumption, encouraging followers to recycle and repair rather than repurchase.

  • Google searches for "underconsumption core" have surged, indicating a growing interest in this minimalist lifestyle.

  • Brands are urged to recognize this shift in consumer behavior, as many are now willing to pay more for durable, longer-lasting products.


Why It Matters: The rise of underconsumption core highlights a significant cultural shift away from rampant consumerism towards a more sustainable and thoughtful approach to shopping. For creative professionals and brands, this trend signals an opportunity to align with a generation that values quality over quantity, potentially reshaping product development strategies and marketing narratives. Adapting to these consumer preferences could distinguish brands in an increasingly crowded market, driving both sustainability and customer loyalty.


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