📱 iPhone 15 Pro + Anamorphic = Cinema Camera?

Leibovitz and AI: A Snapshot of Disinterest 📸, iPhone 15's Oscar-Worthy Features 📱, The Netflix Effect's Popcorn Truth 🍿

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Leibovitz vs AI: Who'll Snap the Last Picture? Get the lowdown on how the photography titan is handling tech intrusion. Click, click!

In today's rundown

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For your artistic side.

Annie Leibovitz just became a foreign associate member of the French Academy of Fine Arts, and she’s not losing sleep over AI's impact on photography.

“That doesn’t worry me at all”, she says. “With each technological progress, there are hesitations and concerns. You just have to take the plunge and learn how to use it.”
Leibovitz argues that photography itself isn't all that “real”, given the prevalence of post-processing tools like Photoshop.

For context: AI-generated imagery is stirring the pot, using millions of copyrighted photos for training data... without permission or pay.
This comes amidst a broader debate in the industry over AI's growing role in visual arts.

But not everyone's as chill as Leibovitz: some photographers are up in arms over copyright concerns, while others see AI as just another tool in the creative arsenal.

Do you agree with Leibovitz or are you worried about AI?

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Meta's handling of AI-generated content is:
🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 🤷 Negligent
🟨⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ 🤖 Problematic but complex
⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ 🎯 Spot on

The commercial aspects of creativity.


We’ve known iPhones can shoot pro footage for a while, but now Strada, a creative studio, has gone all out to show off the tech’s potential.

At its core: an iPhone 15 Pro (starts at $999) tricked out with a $1k anamorphic lens from Atlas and cinema camera apps from Blackmagic. It’ll cost you a sweet grand on top of the phone, but hey, that’s chump change compared to a full-blown cinema rig. That could be great news for filmmakers on a budget, and Strada thinks it’s a taste of even better things to come.
Watch the behind-the-scenes here.

Why this matters: A few years ago, filmmakers were shooting tiny, indie movies on Red cameras. Now, people are winning Oscars for movies shot on iPhones. As camera tech gets cheaper and more powerful, big studios are looking at this new generation of filmmakers not just as indie talent, but as possible huntresses and huntmen for the next big thing (if they aren’t already).

People have chosen to shoot on iPhones for one reason so far: They can make beautiful movies with them. Now? With the right people behind them, ideas on their own, and an iPhone can get anyone pretty close to a Cannes favorite. Now all anyone needs is a great script.

Can iPhones replace Hollywood cameras?

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Will Apollo's $11B offer to buy Paramount go through?
🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 🎬 Blockbuster deal
⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ 🔄 Flip it!
⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ 🚫 It'll fail


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Dickie Bush said it best: "Actionable takeaways within 5 minutes of digging in. Huge value."

Navigating the digital creative world.

🍿 What’s the Deal With The Netflix Effect?

Adweek / Netflix

Netflix's chief marketing officer, Marian Lee, is changing the game by turning the streaming giant into a cultural powerhouse. She is tapping into social media trends and turning hit shows into immersive fan experiences.

With a strategy that goes far beyond traditional advertising, Lee is all about creating immersive experiences and online buzz that extends well beyond the screen – it's about living in your favorite stories.
From viral TikTok dances tied to show announcements to real-life Bridgerton balls, Lee is bridging the gap between screen time and real-time.

Why? It's not just about getting more eyes on Netflix; it's about getting brands on board who want to be part of the cultural conversation.

It’s a play that’s paying off, not just in subscriptions but in ad dollars too, as brands line up to be a part of Netflix’s cultural conversation. From “Bridgerton Balls” to “Squid Game Live”, Netflix is proving that when it comes to marketing, thinking outside the box set is where the magic happens.

What's your take on Netflix's immersive marketing?

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Will Logitech's Mevo Core redefine streaming?
⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ 🎥 Absolutely
🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 🤷 Maybe
⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ 📉 Doubt it


Zlata Zhuravlova

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🔥 Press Worthy


Tiffen’s new iPhone 58mm Filter Mount improves photography by attaching pro filters magnetically.

Leica drops 200 limited edition black-anodized Summilux 35mm lenses. At $10,945, it’s triple the cost but oh-so-classic.


Fujifilm’s US site nearly crashes as it offers its scarce X100VI camera. Only 300 units available over four days. The madness continues.

Amazon & Netflix take over 17 new sound stages at Shepperton Studios, solidifying UK's rise as the second largest production hub.


US Justice Dept and 16 states sue Apple over alleged antitrust violations.

Reddit goes public, share price surges 67%.

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