Get More Jobs, More Easily

Discover, apply, and secure the best creative opportunities with Beazy — the ultimate AI-powered job discovery platform for creative professionals and agencies.

Beazy is home to thousands of creative professionals and agencies. Today, their revenue potential just 📈.

With AI-powered job discovery, users can discover, apply, and secure the best creative opportunities across the internet.

And we take 0% of your revenue.

Let’s break it down 👇️

Intro to AI-powered job discovery for creative professionals…

First, explain it to me like I’m 5 years old — what is job discovery and why does it matter?

Job discovery is how you find work that matches with your talents and interests. For creatives like you, it's vital because the right job does more than pay the bills—it sparks your creativity and advances your career. But…

Sometimes Talent On Its Own Isn’t Enough.

You’ve can have the best skills and portfolio in the world, but when you’re dealing with something as arduous as building a successful career in the creative industry - which takes years of consistent hard work, networking and improvement - the more support you have, the better.


Ultimately, your skills and portfolio don’t matter if they don’t help you grow your career.

Look at it this way.

  • You could be the best in your field, but if your work doesn’t get seen, it's like shouting in an empty hall.

  • Promoting yourself, managing sales, chasing leads — it's a full-time job, one that chips away at the time you want to spend creating

  • The pressure to keep your pipeline filled with lucrative projects can turn the dream of creativity into a daily grind.

Think about it — for every successful artist or agency you see, there are countless others still waiting in the wings. What separates them?
Often, it's not just skill, but the ability to navigate the complex maze of marketing and sales.

You could spend hours scouring the web, drafting cold emails, and tailoring your portfolio for each prospective client. You could try to master the art of sales just as you have with your creative skills, but isn’t that just more time away from your craft? The truth is, every hour you spend in the grind of self-promotion is an hour not spent doing what you do best — creating.

Imagine if there was a way to smooth out the creases in this process. Consider how much more you could create if the business side of things was just...simpler.

Creating shouldn't be synonymous with struggling.

It’s time to flip the script on the narrative that artists must starve for their art. There's a world out there bursting with opportunities — and you deserve a piece of that abundance without losing your creative spark.

The path from creation to compensation shouldn't be so convoluted. Your talent deserves a direct line to those who will appreciate and pay for it.

And that’s precisely what we aim to do — create a path so straightforward, every step you take propels you forward. No effort wasted, no opportunity missed.

We’re here to make sure your talent is recognized, rewarded, and above all, realized.

Features & Functions

  1. Public Profiles: Your art deserves the spotlight, and with Beazy’s Public Profiles, that’s exactly what it gets. SEO-smart and client-friendly, your profile is the ultimate pitch—no sales talk needed.

  2. AI-Powered Job Board: Our sophisticated AI scours the web, bringing you all the latest gigs—ensuring you're always first in line to apply. Our AI filters through the noise to connect you with creative gigs meant for you, from high-profile projects to hidden gems. It's like having a personal agent who brings opportunities to you, instead of the other way around.

  3. Personalized Job Discovery: Say goodbye to sifting through endless job listings. Beazy's AI dives deep into your profile, selecting opportunities that aren't just good – they're tailor-made for you. Like a trusted advisor, we deliver these straight to your inbox, so you can focus more on creating and less on searching. Personalized Job Discovery means every alert you receive is a direct hit – no more guesswork, just straight to the opportunities that matter.

  4. High-Converting Storefront: Enable a storefront that works as hard as you do. Designed to minimize negotiation and maximize conversions, our storefront ensures your offerings are irresistibly presented, turning visitors into clients effortlessly. Beazy uses AI to ensure your offerings are irresistible, handling everything from showcasing your services to closing sales.

  5. AI-Driven Application Assistance: Our AI crafts your applications using detailed insights from your profile, portfolio and past work, ensuring they resonate perfectly with potential clients. Imagine having a personal agent dedicated to landing you your dream projects. Beazy's AI-driven application assistance acts just like that, it knows exactly what to say and when. It ensures every application you send is polished and targeted, optimized to get you noticed by clients.

  6. Buy Now, Pay Later: Get paid immediately, while your clients enjoy the flexibility of net 30, 60, or even 90-day payment terms. No more chasing down payments or dealing with delayed invoices. We handle the wait, so you don’t have to. This not only ensures your financial stability but also makes you more attractive to potential clients. It's a win-win: you enhance your liquidity while being client-friendly.

Bridging the Gap Between Creativity and Opportunity

The daily grind of self-promotion, the endless quest to secure meaningful work—it's all part of the current creative landscape. You know this all too well.

You could spend countless hours perfecting your sales pitch, tailoring each proposal, and networking relentlessly. But let's face it: these are hours not spent doing what you truly love—creating.

Isn't there a better way?

Yes, there's an ocean of opportunities out there, but the challenge remains in connecting your unique talents with the right audiences without losing yourself to the monotony of business manoeuvres. It’s evident that what's often missing is not the willingness to succeed, but the right connector to bridge the gap between your creative output and those who are actively seeking it.

  • Imagine a world where your next client discovers you, not through exhausting self-promotion, but because you were exactly what they were looking for.

  • Imagine a platform that not only showcases your talents but also brings opportunities to your doorstep, tailored just for you.

This isn’t just wishful thinking—it's a reality we are crafting at Beazy. Our mission is clear: to streamline the path from creation to compensation. We’re dedicated to ensuring that creatives no longer need to juggle between their passion for art and the demands of marketing.

The most successful creatives and agencies often have entire teams behind them, from marketing gurus to strategic analysts. But what if you, as an individual or small team, could have similar support?

What if every part of your creative business was streamlined?

Imagine having tools at your disposal that function like an extended team—experts in marketing, negotiation, and client engagement—all embedded within a platform that learns and grows with you.

This is where you come in. If you're reading this, you're among the select few at the forefront of a movement designed to empower creatives like you.

As we prepare to roll out, we invite you to join us at the very beginning. By participating in our early-bird program, you’re not just getting a service—you’re helping to shape it. Your insights and feedback will directly influence our features and roadmap. Here’s what being an early adopter means:

  • Exclusive Early-Bird Pricing: This is an opportunity to lock in a 95% discount, a testament to how much we value your early trust and support. That’s not just a discount; it’s an investment in a service that will grow with you.

  • Direct Impact on Development: Your feedback will directly shape our roadmap and features. Think of it as having a seat at the design table, where your voice and vision help steer the product. This is your platform, and we want it to perfectly meet your needs and desires.

  • First Look at New Features: You’ll be the first to experience and help refine all of our tools, starting with public profiles, the AI-powered job board, and personalized job recommendations. As we roll out additional features, you’ll have access to all of them right away to help shape and perfect the experience. We plan to roll out new features based on what you tell us you need.

Commitment to Our Early Adopters

We understand that joining a platform in its beta phase is a leap of faith. That's why we're committed to transparency and responsiveness. As part of our early adopter community, you’ll receive:

  • Unlimited access to all current and future features: Your early access extends beyond the beta. You will continue to benefit from all future developments and enhancements.

  • Direct line to our development team: Your feedback won’t fall on deaf ears. It will shape the evolution of Beazy, ensuring that we grow in ways that provide real value to creatives like you.

Be a Co-Creator of Your Creative Destiny

As we prepare for launch, we're not just asking for your trust—we're inviting you to join us in a partnership that values your input and honors your talent. Together, we can build something extraordinary. Are you ready to take the first step and join a community of creators who are driving towards a brighter, more secure future in the industry?

By joining early, you’re not just a user; you’re a pioneer in a community dedicated to redefining the creative landscape. Together, we can build a platform that not only meets but exceeds the needs of creative professionals worldwide.

Be part of something bigger. Your journey is just beginning, and the possibilities are endless.

My friend, are you ready to join us and take control of your creative career? Let’s make history together.


or to participate.