šŸŽ„ AI Music Videos

AI's latest hit is a music video šŸŽµ; Network like your career depends on itā€”because it does! šŸ¤; Sony's $26B Hollywood takeover šŸŽ„.

Created by the people at Beazy.

Welcome, creative friends!

AI-generated music videos: The end of creativity or the dawn of a new art form? It's the singularity of visuals, and you're invited.

In today's rundown

For your artistic side.

The first music video created entirely through Open AIā€™s Sora is making waves, and not all of them are positive. Itā€™s the first one made entirely by OpenAIā€™s Sora, and itā€™s, well, creepy.

No offense to the AI, but itā€™s hard to vibe with music thatā€™s overshadowed by soulless, mangled AI characters. Some are calling it a "creepy" and "bizarre" experience, with the generated "people" stealing the spotlight from the actual music.

While some see it as a glimpse into the future, others worry about the impact on jobs and the creepy factor of content made by algorithms. There are worries about our careers once AI fully takes over.

Some comments on YouTube

It's a glimpse into the future where AI-generated content might dominate, but it leaves many questions unanswered. Will this tech replace the creators who trained it? And what about originality when AI is built on rehashed material?

The debate rages on in the comments section, so drop your two cents before the bots take over.

The commercial aspects of creativity.

Sony and Apollo have made a $26B cash offer to take Paramount private, topping Paramount Global's current value of $22B.

This move comes as Paramount evaluates a $9.6B merger offer from Skydance Media, prompting a 13% jump in Paramount Global's stock.

Letā€™s break down what this means for Hollywood: Sony is already the largest studio operator with no major streaming play, and merging with Paramount would shrink the field of "Big Five" studios to four.

Grab your popcorn; this showā€™s just getting started.


You may have heard by now, but this week we announced our AI-powered job discovery tool for creatives and agencies.
Our AI scours the web to bring you the best gigs, tailored to you.

I wanted to send you one last reminder to join the early-bird program before spots run out.

Whatā€™s in it for you?

  • Tailored opportunities delivered to you daily

  • Perfect AI-generated pitch to make sure you land the job

  • Priority access to all new features

  • Shape product development & direct access to the team

Since our launch in 2023, weā€™ve been building The Creator Lens alongside you, our readers, who have been supporting and cheering us on since day one.

So this time around we want to give you the opportunity to directly shape our product roadmap and features. This is your platform, and we want it to perfectly meet your needs and desires!

šŸŽ‰ Exclusive Early Access: The first 100 people to sign up will get exclusive early access.

Navigating the digital creative world.

In creative industries, networking is the backstage pass to career growth. It's not just about who you know, but how you connect with like-minded individuals who can propel your career forward.

Building trust and rapport is key, whether you're mingling at industry events or joining online communities. But effective networking goes beyond the exchange of business cards; it's about cultivating authentic connections that can lead to job offers, mentoring relationships, and groundbreaking collaborations.

By expanding your professional network, you open the door to a world of possibilitiesā€”new clients, creative partnerships, and insider industry knowledge.

From online communities to offline events, every interaction is an opportunity to learn, share, and support. And while it can be daunting, approaching networking with authenticity and a clear vision can bring remarkable results.

Network like your career depends on itā€”because it does!


Brad Etter

Want to get featured? Refer a friend or reply to this email šŸ¤™

šŸ”„ Press Worthy


Creatives face job market hurdles: undervaluation of creativity and high competition. But with a diverse portfolio, networking finesse, and online presence, you can turn the tide.

Adobe's AI-centric ads, including one promoting "skip the photoshoot," irk photographers who question if the creator is still part of Adobe's long-term plans.


What makes a good indie film according to Raindance? Unconventional narratives, filmmaker passion, innovative techniques, character immersion and relevant themes on a tight budget.

Gen Z has mixed feelings about AI influencers, with 37% wary and 37% interested. Meanwhile, 46% of Gen Z said theyā€™d be more interested in a brand working with an AI-generated influencer, compared to 27% of all respondents.


Apple's iOS 18 may feature an AI chatbot that runs directly on iPhones, potentially boosting privacy and changing the game for the AI chatbot industry.

LinkedIn opens up its 'Thought Leader' ads, letting anyone boost a post with author permission, as the Microsoft-owned business looks to capitalize on influencer marketing.

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